01 第一个开发信案例分享
Richard Harris
Founder & Owner, The Harris Consulting Group
1st Paragraph is all about themselves, not about prospect. Your prospect rarely cares about you, your company, or what ranking you are. They only care if you can help them solve their problem as it relates to their role/company. Signature is much too big especially for mobile.
Ralph Barsi
Sr. Director Sales Development, ServiceNow
When crafting emails, think in terms of texts or tweets.
Write short sentences and paragraphs. Whenever you include a URL, shorten it using TinyURL or bit.ly. You can also remove the “http://www” and just hyperlink the address. For example, if the URL is “http://www.link. com,” hyperlink “link.com” with the full URL. Avoid yes/no questions. They can paint you into a corner. “Do you have time to chat?” No. Now what?
写短句子和段落。每当你包含一个URL时,使用TinyURL或bit.ly缩短它。你也可以去掉 “http://www”,天辰帐号注册只用超链接地址。例如,如果URL是 “http://www.link. com”,则用完整的URL超链接 “link.com”。避免使用 “是/否 “的问题。它们会让你陷入困境。如果你问”你有时间聊天吗?” ,然后地方回答“没有”,那里现在怎么办?
Heather Morgan
CEO, SalesFolk
The subject line is lame and generic.
The intro is very self-focused, and jam-packed with jargon and dull features. The email itself is too long and has bullets, which never perform well in cold emails.
David Dulany
Founder & CEO, Tenbound
This email is a classic shot in the dark. It shows no personalization or attempt to appeal to specific business issues. The first question I would ask is, does the recipient have anything to do with the vendor’s product? Are they the target persona? If not, don’t ruin your reputation with an email like this.
Jake Dunlap
CEO, Skaled
Every good emails first sentence or second says “why me” to the receiver. Why should I as the opener give a shit and why did you send to me specifically? This could copy and paste to a million people.
每一封好的邮件第一句或第二句都会对收件人说 “为什么发给我”。作你为什么要专门发给我?这可以复制粘贴给一百万人。
Blake Harber
Director of Sales Development, LucidCharts
Be specific in your call to action. “Do you have 10 minutes on Friday?”
Liz Cain
VP Go-to-Market, Openview Partners
There are 2 separate calls to action here (1. Advise on future projects and 2. a quick call). Avoid the yes/no and be more clear in your ask – why would your contact care to get on the phone with you?
这里有2个独立的行动呼吁(1.对未来项目的建议和2.快速电话)。避免 “yes or no”的call to action,在你的问话中要更加明确为什么你的联系人会在意和你通电话?
02 第二个开发信案例分享
Steven Broudy
Head of Sales Development Americas, Mulesoft
The clear lack of quality research is painful. Five minutes exploring the Engagio Executive Team would lead an SDR to surface the fact that the founder came from Marketo, as did their VP of Sales and a number of other members of their team. This kind of “faux” research comes across as extremely disingenuous.
明显缺乏高质量的研究是痛苦的。探究Engagio高管团队五分钟,就能让一个SDR浮现出创始人来自Marketo,他们的销售副总裁和其他一些团队成员也是如此。这种虚假 的研究显得极其不真实。
Richard Harris
Founder & Owner, The Harris Consulting Group
Be relevant by focusing on the pains you solve. If you have use cases and case studies that match this individual, mention those when appropriate.
Ralph Barsi
Sr. Director Sales Development, ServiceNow
Your email must talk about me and no one else, unless I might know specific people or companies you mention. Otherwise, talk about me, my company, my customers, my marketplace, and more about me. The third sentence is comprised of 35 words. That’s enough words for an entire email. Busy executives can’t even give colleagues 20 minutes of time, let alone you. Add value and time will appear.
Ray Carroll
VP of Sales, Engagio
Signing this as “to your success” on the sig when you are clearly trying to swap them off something is a little bush league.
在签名处写”祝你成功 “的字样,而你明明是想把他们换掉什么东西,这就有点小题大做了。
Josh Hill
Sr. Manager of Demand Generation, RingCentral
Generally, it’s a bad idea to knock competitors and other firms. Some people think creating FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) works (and sometimes it does), but to do so in a poor way is a good path to the trash bin.
Heather Morgan
CEO, SalesFolk
It’s really generic and doesn’t focus on a clear enough benefit or pain point, and so it’s confusing what the company wants or what the point of this call would actually be.
Liz Cain
VP Go-to-Market, Openview Partners
I can’t actually tell what this person is selling from the email. Assuming you are trying to replace Marketo, why bring up another competitor like Eloqua?
Nicolette Mullenix
Director of Sales Development, DynamicSignal
This email talks about another company entirely rather. Your emails should tell a story about your customers and how people in my position from those companies benefit from your solution.